Saturday, February 27, 2010

Intrepid video reporter extraordinaire

This week I have been running around campus with a video camera strapped to my hand as I attempt to be a television reporter.

The good news is that I have finally found an idea for my three-minute package. The bad news is that I have as much technological wizardry as a potato.

That may be a slight exaggeration but my prowess with a video camera leaves a lot to be desired.

My more technologically-advanced friend showed me how to extend the legs on the tripod otherwise I would have been hoisting it up above my head with camera on top trying to get a better angle.

I have also discovered that there is a certain skill to being able to assemble the tripod and camera fixed on top at a moment’s notice.

I have as yet to be able to do this either gracefully or inconspicuously. On the plus side I haven’t accidentally whacked anyone with it.

Once I learnt where the on/off and record/stop buttons were I began my journey as an intrepid reporter extraordinaire.

My brilliant idea was to report on One World Week which is a week-long series of events to enhance multiculturalism.

Since Brunel University has around 120 different nationalities with sixty per cent of students being an ethnic minority I had myself covered for camera fodder.

With tripod legs akimbo and electrical eye open I captured footage of a literature event, international food and some Sikh martial arts.

Not bad for a last minute idea that only really came together on Tuesday.

The fun bit is trying to figure out how to edit it all together. I am slowly getting to grips with Final Cut Pro after having another session on it the other day.

I have another two video assignments to complete so I think I may need to go out and do some more filming.

By the end of this term I will submit: a three-minute video/audio/online package; a news story via one of those mediums; and three vox pops totalling 45 seconds also using one of the three media options on offer.

I have decided to use video as my medium of choice for each assignment. Hopefully, I will be able to master it. I shall monitor my progress and report back the results: disastrous or otherwise.

I may be no Michael Moore but I will give it my best shot (no pun intended).

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