Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Confessions of an aspiring journalist

As my “About Me” section says, I am an aspiring writer and journalist. Like most people aspiring to something there are often periods of self-doubt, self-loathing and general misery. Instead of keeping it all to myself I thought I should attempt to channel it into something positive-ish.

So here is my attempt to blog, if somewhat sporadically, about my misadventures in journalism. There will be other random thoughts along the way and maybe some anecdotes recounting tales of a tenuously-linked journalistic nature.

Since you’ve got this far, maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself first. From the age of five I wanted to be a writer and by the time I was 14 I decided I wanted to be journalist.

I have been doing a masters degree with the National Council for the Training of Journalists' (NCTJ) accreditation since September. For those unfamiliar with the NCTJ, it’s a nationally recognised journalistic qualification.

It can be a helpful first step onto the media ladder but it isn’t essential. Some of the best journalists I know haven’t needed it but formal training can be useful.

Apart from this degree I have worked for two local papers, my university paper, a now-defunct magazine, a mid-brow film web site, niche financial market newsletters and a hospital radio station. But that’s history.

Today I learnt the basics of Final Cut Pro. It’s a programme which allows people to edit video footage. Easy to use and non-destructive, i.e. your original copy is left untouched.

I am supposed to be putting together a three-minute package to hand in at the end of term. I know it isn’t exactly a feature-length motion picture but following my disastrous relationship with an Edirol voice recorder last term I have my doubts.

As I recall my friend and I were carrying out audio vox pops across campus. We were quizzing various people about Fairtrade products. Lots of quotes about spending that little bit extra to help the third world and helping through trade not aid.

It all sounded great until we got into the editing suite and found we only had a couple of crackles followed by silence. Luckily, she had taken notes and we were able to submit something.

So this video project will be a steep learning curve to say the least. Now all I have to do is find a story.

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